// global settings // by default, the background around the image will match the body color defined in your // style sheet. If you want this to be different, just define the color here var canvasBackground = 'transparent'; // global variables var lastLeft, lastTop, lastX, lastY; var magzoom = 3; // default zoom is 50% (for +/- usage) var haveZoomed = false; // don't modify these unless you're changing images var shadowPadding = 17; var magnifierSize = 150; function popUp(URL, type, height, width) { var options; if (type == 'console') options = "resizable,scrollbars,width="+width; if (type == 'fixed') options = "status,width="+width; if (type == 'elastic') options = "toolbar,menubar,scrollbars,resizable,location,width="+width; // open the image in a new window... we put it in _blank so that we don't keep writing new images into the // same window window.open(URL, '_blank', options); } function determinePanning() { // if the user has set the height of the window, let's see if we can pan if (this.bodyh > 0) { if (this.height > this.bodyh) { this.canPan = true; this.panV = true; } else { this.canPan = false; this.panV = false; } } else { this.canPan = false; this.panV = false; } if (this.width <= this.bodyw) this.panH = false; else { this.panH = true; this.canPan = true; } } function MagnifierPosition() { var half = this.size / 2; // determine position of the magnifier // -1s here to account for the border this.style.left = Math.round(this.xPosition - 1 - half) + 'px'; this.style.top = Math.round(this.yPosition - 1 - half) + 'px'; // determine position of the shadow this.shadow.style.left = Math.round(this.xPosition - half - shadowPadding) + 'px'; this.shadow.style.top = Math.round(this.yPosition - half - shadowPadding) + 'px'; // determine the coordinates that we want to magnify onto var canvas = document.getElementById('imageviewer'); var halfcanv = Math.round(canvas.offsetWidth / 2); var theimage = document.getElementById('theimage'); var halfimg = Math.round(theimage.offsetWidth / 2); var magnifierCenterX = Math.round((this.xPosition - lastLeft - halfcanv + halfimg) * this.xMultiplier - half); var magnifierCenterY = Math.round((this.yPosition - lastTop - 10) * this.yMultiplier - half); this.style.backgroundPosition = -magnifierCenterX + 'px ' + -magnifierCenterY + 'px'; } // handles pushing the zoom level up button function ControllerMagUp(e) { var sel = this.parentNode.zoomsel; // removed this... but it requires that magzoom *always* be set correctly //if (sel.selectedIndex == 0 || sel.selectedIndex == 1) { //magzoom = this.parentNode.canvas.origZoom; //} magzoom += 1; if (magzoom == 10) magzoom = 9; checkZoomLevel(magzoom, this.parentNode); sel.selectedIndex = magzoom; ZoomImage(sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value, this.parentNode.canvas); haveZoomed = true; // if the zoom is 100% or greater, we need to force pan mode if (magzoom >= 5) { this.parentNode.buttonPan.onclick(); } } // handles pushing the zoom level down button function ControllerMagDown(e) { var sel = this.parentNode.zoomsel; if (sel.selectedIndex == 0 || sel.selectedIndex == 1) { magzoom = this.parentNode.canvas.origZoom; } if (haveZoomed) magzoom -= 1; if (magzoom <= 1) magzoom = 2; checkZoomLevel(magzoom, this.parentNode); sel.selectedIndex = magzoom; ZoomImage(sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value, this.parentNode.canvas); haveZoomed = true; } // handles hitting the 'pan mode' button function ControllerPanMode(e) { // set our cursor and canvas mode var img = this.parentNode.canvas.image; if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') { img.style.cursor = '-moz-grab'; } else { img.style.cursor = 'pointer'; } this.parentNode.canvas.mode = 'pan'; // enable/disable the buttons as appropriate this.parentNode.buttonMag.className = 'controllerMag'; this.className = 'controllerPanSelected'; this.parentNode.msg.innerHTML = pan_msg; scaleImageMap(this.parentNode.canvas); } // handles hitting the magnifier button function ControllerMagMode(e) { if (this.enabled == true) { var img = this.parentNode.canvas.image; img.style.cursor = 'crosshair'; this.parentNode.canvas.mode = 'mag'; this.parentNode.buttonPan.className = 'controllerPan'; this.className = 'controllerMagSelected'; this.parentNode.msg.innerHTML = magnifyreg_msg; clearImageMap(); } } function ControllerNewWin(e) { canvas = document.getElementById('imageviewer'); var width = canvas.image.fitWidth > 600 ? canvas.image.fitWidth : 600; popUp(imgnewwin_url+"mediaID="+this.mediaID+"&medialinkID="+this.medialinkID+"&title="+this.newwintitle, 'console', 0, width); } function clearImageMap() { map = document.getElementById('imgMapViewer'); for (var i = 0; i < map.areas.length; i++) { area = map.areas[i]; var coords = area.coords.split(','); var newCoords = new Array; for (var j = 0; j < coords.length; j++) { newCoords.push(0); } area.coords = newCoords.join(','); } } function scaleImageMap(canvas) { // we only support the image map if you are in pan mode if (canvas.mode == "pan") { map = document.getElementById('imgMapViewer'); if (canvas.zoom == 0 || canvas.zoom == -1) { zoom = canvas.image.height / canvas.image.fullHeight; } else { zoom = canvas.zoom; } for (var i = 0; i < map.areas.length; i++) { area = map.areas[i]; var coords = new Array; coords = canvas.origmap[i].split(','); var newCoords = new Array; for (var j = 0; j < coords.length; j++) { newCoords.push(Math.floor(coords[j] * zoom)); } area.coords = newCoords.join(','); } var tags = canvas.tags; if(tags) { var newFontSize = tags.origFontSize * zoom; if(zoom < .75) newFontSize = 8; else if(zoom < 1) newFontSize = 10; else if(zoom < 1.5) newFontSize = 12; else newFontSize = 14; tags.style.fontSize = newFontSize + 'px'; for(var i = 0; i < tags.childNodes.length; i++) { tag = tags.childNodes[i]; tag.style.width = (tag.origWidth * zoom) + 'px'; tag.style.height = (tag.origHeight * zoom) + 'px'; tag.style.left = (tag.origLeft * zoom) + 'px'; tag.style.top = (tag.origTop * zoom) + 'px'; label = tag.childNodes[0]; label_top = (tag.origHeight * zoom) + 1; label.style.top = label_top + 'px'; } } } } // zooms in on the image, based on the zoom value passed in. function ZoomImage(zoom, canvas) { var img = canvas.image; var tmpzoom = 0; // this is the fit width option if (zoom == 0) { img.width = img.fitWidth; img.height = img.fitHeight; tmpzoom = img.bodyw / img.fullWidth; if (tmpzoom > 1) tmpzoom = 1; } // this is the fit height option else if (zoom == -1) { tmpzoom = img.bodyh / img.fullHeight; if (tmpzoom > 1) tmpzoom = 1; img.width = img.fullWidth * tmpzoom; img.height = img.fullHeight * tmpzoom; } // otherwise we already know the zoom level else { img.width = img.fullWidth * zoom; img.height = img.fullHeight * zoom; } // update our magzoom level if (tmpzoom > 0) { if (tmpzoom < 0.25) magzoom = 1 else if (tmpzoom < 0.50) magzoom = 2 else if (tmpzoom < 0.75) magzoom = 3 else if (tmpzoom < 1) magzoom = 4 else magzoom = 5; } var tags = canvas.tags; if(tags) { tags.style.width = img.width + 'px'; tags.style.height = img.height + 'px'; tags.style.top = '38px'; tags.style.left = 0; } img.findPan(); // realign at the top left //lastLeft = -1 * Math.round(img.width/2); //img.style.left = lastLeft + 'px'; //lastTop = -1 * Math.round((img.fullHeight - img.height)/2); //img.style.top = lastTop + 'px'; img.style.left = img.style.top = '0px'; lastLeft = lastTop = 0; var mag = canvas.magnifier; mag.xMultiplier = img.fullWidth / img.width; mag.yMultiplier = img.fullHeight / img.height; // need to modify the image map canvas.zoom = zoom; scaleImageMap(canvas); } // handles enabling/disabling zoom options depending on the current zoom level function checkZoomLevel(level, controller) { // we need to disable the zoom up button now if (magzoom == 9) { controller.magup.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_magupoff.gif'; controller.magdown.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_magdown.gif'; } else if (magzoom == 2) { controller.magdown.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_magdownoff.gif'; controller.magup.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_magup.gif'; } else { controller.magdown.src = 'img/img_magdown.gif'; controller.magup.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_magup.gif'; } if (magzoom > 4) { controller.buttonMag.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_magoff.gif'; controller.buttonMag.enabled = false; } else { controller.buttonMag.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_mag.gif'; controller.buttonMag.enabled = true; } } // handles the drop down box to select a zoom level function ControllerZoomLevel(e) { var sel = this.parentNode.zoomsel; magzoom = sel.selectedIndex; checkZoomLevel(magzoom, this.parentNode); ZoomImage(sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value, this.parentNode.canvas); } // this is called after the iframe has been filled out to allow for the proper // width and height of the image to be done // we pass in the specified height of the frame as we need to know that information // and it isn't available to us yet since the iframe isn't done being sized // if frameHeight comes in as '1', the height of the iframe should be the height // of the image function sizeController(frameHeight) { canvas = document.getElementById('imageviewer'); img = canvas.image; controllerContainer = document.getElementById('ctrlcontainer'); enableContainer = document.getElementById('encontainer'); // determine the height and width of our iframe first var subOffset = true; img.bodyw = document.body.offsetWidth; // if the frame height is specified, we can go ahead and set the height if (frameHeight > 1) { img.bodyh = frameHeight; } // now lets do one final resize of the image now that we know the actual iframe width zoom = img.bodyw / img.fullWidth; //zoom = (img.bodyh - canvas.offsetTop) / img.fullHeight; if (zoom > 1) { zoom = 1; } canvas.zoom = zoom; img.origZoom = zoom; img.width = Math.round(img.fullWidth * zoom); img.height = Math.round(img.fullHeight * zoom); img.fitWidth = img.width; img.fitHeight = img.height; var tags = canvas.tags; if(tags) { tags.style.width = img.width + 'px'; tags.style.height = img.height + 'px'; tags.style.top = '38px'; tags.style.left = 0; } if (frameHeight == 1) { subOffset = false; img.bodyh = img.height; } canvas.style.height = img.bodyh; // determine if we want to show the controller var showController = true; //if (img.origZoom == 1 && img.height <= img.bodyh) { //showController = false; //} if (!showController) { controllerContainer.style.display = "none"; enableContainer.style.display = ""; } else { enableContainer.style.display = "none"; controllerContainer.style.display = ""; } if (subOffset == true) img.bodyh -= canvas.offsetTop; // configure magnifier var mag = canvas.magnifier; mag.xMultiplier = img.fullWidth / img.width; mag.yMultiplier = img.fullHeight / img.height; // if we are zoomed in at 100%, let's say so if (zoom == 1) { document.getElementById('zoomsel').selectedIndex = 5; magzoom = 5; haveZoomed = true; } // otherwise, let's set our magzoom to the right value else { if (zoom < 0.25) magzoom = 1 else if (zoom < 0.50) magzoom = 2 else if (zoom < 0.75) magzoom = 3 else if (zoom < 1) magzoom = 4; } canvas.origZoom = magzoom; magimg = document.getElementById('buttonMag'); if (zoom == 1) { magimg.enabled = false; magimg.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_magoff.gif'; } else { magimg.enabled = true; magimg.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_mag.gif'; } img.findPan(); scaleImageMap(canvas); } // Creates the actual imageViewer object in the iframe // Parameters: // fullWidth - original width of the image // fullHeight - original height of the image // standalone - running in its own window? // mediaID, medialinkID, title - link info for the image function imageViewer(baseID, imgURL, fullWidth, fullHeight, standalone, mediaID, medialinkID, title, rectangles) { var base = document.getElementById(baseID); // create the image viewer itself var canvas = document.createElement('div'); canvas.zoom = 1; canvas.id = 'imageviewer'; canvas.className = 'canvas'; //canvas.style.position = 'absolute'; //canvas.style.overflow = 'hidden'; //canvas.style.backgroundColor = canvasBackground; //canvas.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + cmstngpath + 'img/bg.gif)'; //canvas.style.width = '99.8%'; canvas.beingDragged = false; canvas.mode = 'pan'; lastLeft = lastTop = 0; if(rectangles.length) { var tags = document.createElement('div'); tags.id = "tags"; tags.style.width = fullWidth + 'px'; tags.style.height = fullHeight + 'px'; tags.origFontSize = 12; tags.style.fontSize = "12px"; var box, label, label_top; for(var i=0; i < rectangles.length; i++) { rect = rectangles[i]; label = document.createElement('div'); label.className = "imagetag"; label_top = parseInt(rect.height) + 1; label.style.top = label_top + 'px'; //label.style.visibility = 'hidden'; label.innerHTML = rect.text; box = document.createElement('div'); box.id = 'box_' + rect.id; box.className = "mlbox bunselected pubbox"; box.style.position = 'absolute'; box.style.top = rect.top + 'px'; box.style.left = rect.left + 'px'; box.style.width = rect.width + 'px'; box.style.height = rect.height + 'px'; box.style.opacity = '0'; box.origTop = rect.top; box.origLeft = rect.left; box.origWidth = rect.width; box.origHeight = rect.height; box.personid = rect.personid; box.tree = rect.tree; box.onmouseover = handleTagMouseOver; box.onmouseout = handleTagMouseOut; box.onclick = handleTagClick; box.appendChild(label); tags.appendChild(box); } } // define the image var img = document.createElement('img'); img.id = 'theimage'; img.src = imgURL; img.useMap = '#imgMapViewer'; img.style.position = 'relative'; img.style.border = '0'; img.style.left = img.style.top = '0px'; if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') { img.style.cursor = '-moz-grab'; } else { img.style.cursor = 'pointer'; } // these are just dummy values... we'll set the correctly later img.width = 1; img.height = 1; img.fitWidth = 1; img.fitHeight = 1; img.fullWidth = fullWidth; img.fullHeight = fullHeight; img.findPan = determinePanning; img.origZoom = 1; canvas.image = img; if(rectangles.length) { canvas.tags = tags; canvas.appendChild(tags); } //canvas.appendChild(test); // get the original coordinates for any image map var map = document.getElementById('imgMapViewer'); canvas.origmap = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < map.areas.length; i++) { area = map.areas[i]; canvas.origmap[i] = area.coords; if (standalone == true) { area.target = '_blank'; } else { area.target = '_parent'; } } // the magnifier var magnifier = document.createElement('div'); magnifier.id = 'Magnifier'; magnifier.className = 'magnifier'; // dummy values to be setup later magnifier.xMultiplier = 1; magnifier.yMultiplier = 1; magnifier.size = magnifierSize; magnifier.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + imgURL + ')'; magnifier.position = MagnifierPosition; magnifier.style.display = "none"; canvas.magnifier = magnifier; // controller var controller = document.createElement('span'); controller.id = 'imgViewerController'; controller.className = 'controller'; controller.style.width = '100%'; // controller - pan button var pan = document.createElement('img'); pan.id = 'buttonPan'; pan.className = 'controllerPanSelected'; pan.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_select.gif'; pan.title = panmode_msg; pan.alt = panmode_msg; pan.onclick = ControllerPanMode; controller.appendChild(pan); controller.buttonPan = pan; var break1 = document.createElement('img'); break1.className = 'breakLine'; break1.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_break.png'; controller.appendChild(break1); // controller - magnify down button var magdown = document.createElement('img'); magdown.id = 'magdown'; magdown.className = 'controllerImage'; magdown.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_magdown.gif'; magdown.onclick = ControllerMagDown; magdown.title = zoomout_msg; magdown.alt = zoomout_msg; controller.appendChild(magdown); controller.magdown = magdown; // controller - magnify up button var magup = document.createElement('img'); magup.id = 'magup'; magup.className = 'controllerImage'; magup.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_magup.gif'; magup.onclick = ControllerMagUp; magup.title = zoomin_msg; magup.alt = zoomin_msg; controller.appendChild(magup); controller.magup = magup; // controller - zoom levels var sel = document.createElement('select'); sel.id = 'zoomsel'; sel.className = 'zoomSelector'; var opt1 = document.createElement('option'); opt1.text = fw_msg; opt1.value = 0; var opt2 = document.createElement('option'); opt2.text = fh_msg; opt2.value = -1; var opt3 = document.createElement('option'); opt3.text = '25%'; opt3.value = 0.25; var opt4 = document.createElement('option'); opt4.text = '50%'; opt4.value = 0.50; var opt5 = document.createElement('option'); opt5.text = '75%'; opt5.value = 0.75; var opt6 = document.createElement('option'); opt6.text = '100%'; opt6.value = 1; var opt7 = document.createElement('option'); opt7.text = '125%'; opt7.value = 1.25; var opt8 = document.createElement('option'); opt8.text = '150%'; opt8.value = 1.5; var opt9 = document.createElement('option'); opt9.text = '175%'; opt9.value = 1.75; var opt10 = document.createElement('option'); opt10.text = '200%'; opt10.value = 2; // there goes DOM compliance in IE! if (document.all) { sel.add(opt1); sel.add(opt2); sel.add(opt3); sel.add(opt4); sel.add(opt5); sel.add(opt6); sel.add(opt7); sel.add(opt8); sel.add(opt9); sel.add(opt10); } else { sel.add(opt1, null); sel.add(opt2, null); sel.add(opt3, null); sel.add(opt4, null); sel.add(opt5, null); sel.add(opt6, null); sel.add(opt7, null); sel.add(opt8, null); sel.add(opt9, null); sel.add(opt10, null); } sel.onchange = ControllerZoomLevel; controller.appendChild(sel); controller.zoomsel = sel; // controller - magnifier button var magimg = document.createElement('img'); magimg.id = 'buttonMag'; magimg.className = 'controllerMag'; magimg.onclick = ControllerMagMode; magimg.title = magmode_msg; magimg.alt = magmode_msg; controller.appendChild(magimg); controller.buttonMag = magimg; if (standalone == false) { // controller - second break line var break2 = document.createElement('img'); break2.className = 'breakLine'; break2.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_break.png'; controller.appendChild(break2); // controller - new window button var newbtn = document.createElement('button'); newbtn.className = 'controllerButton'; newbtn.innerHTML = nw_msg; newbtn.imgURL = escape(imgURL); newbtn.mediaID = mediaID; newbtn.medialinkID = medialinkID; newbtn.newwintitle = title; newbtn.title = opennw_msg; newbtn.onclick = ControllerNewWin; controller.appendChild(newbtn); // uncomment these lines for debug statements //var debug = document.createElement('span'); //debug.innerHTML = "DEBUG: "+canvas.offsetTop; //debug.id = "debug"; //controller.appendChild(debug); } // provide some status info // controller - third? break line var break3 = document.createElement('img'); break3.className = 'breakLine'; break3.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_break.png'; controller.appendChild(break3); var msg = document.createElement('span'); msg.innerHTML = pan_msg; msg.className = 'controllerText'; msg.id = "msg"; controller.appendChild(msg); controller.msg = msg; // shadow var shadow = document.createElement('div'); shadow.id = 'MagnifierShadow'; shadow.className = 'magnifierShadow'; shadow.style.display = 'none'; magnifier.shadow = shadow; // point objects at each other canvas.controller = controller; controller.canvas = canvas; // Controller container... gives us some control over the visual of this area var controllerContainer = document.createElement('div'); controllerContainer.id = 'ctrlcontainer'; controllerContainer.className = 'controllerContainer'; controllerContainer.style.display = "none"; controllerContainer.style.height = "36px"; var enableContainer = document.createElement('div'); enableContainer.id = 'encontainer'; enableContainer.style.backgroundColor = canvasBackground; //enableContainer.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + cmstngpath + 'img/bg.gif)'; enableContainer.style.height = "36px"; // put a button at the bottom to turn on/off the controller var onoffbtn = document.createElement('button'); onoffbtn.className = 'controllerButton'; onoffbtn.innerHTML = imgctrls_msg; onoffbtn.title = vwrctrls_msg; onoffbtn.onclick = function() { enableContainer.style.display = "none"; controllerContainer.style.display = ""; if(rectangles.length) tags.style.display = ""; } enableContainer.appendChild(onoffbtn); // controller - close button var closeimg = document.createElement('img'); closeimg.id = 'buttonClose'; closeimg.className = 'controllerClose'; closeimg.title = close_msg; closeimg.alt = close_msg; closeimg.src = cmstngpath + 'img/img_close.gif'; closeimg.onclick = function() { enableContainer.style.display = ""; controllerContainer.style.display = "none"; if(rectangles.length) tags.style.display = "none"; // need to shrink (or expand) the image to fit height (which will // automatically fit width if they are running with height=1) ZoomImage(0, canvas); controller.zoomsel.selectedIndex = 1; } controllerContainer.appendChild(closeimg); controllerContainer.appendChild(controller); canvas.appendChild(img); canvas.appendChild(shadow); canvas.appendChild(magnifier); base.appendChild(enableContainer); base.appendChild(controllerContainer); base.appendChild(canvas); base.resize = sizeController; // install our mouse handlers canvas.onmousedown = handleMouseDown; canvas.onmousemove = handleMouseMove; canvas.onmouseup = handleMouseUp; //scaleImageMap(canvas); return this; } function handleTagMouseOver(e) { this.style.opacity = '1'; //this.childNodes[0].style.visibility = 'visible'; } function handleTagMouseOut(e) { this.style.opacity = parent.toggle_off; //this.childNodes[0].style.visibility = 'hidden'; } function handleTagClick(e) { parent.location.href = "getperson.php?tree=" + this.tree + "&personID=" + this.personid; } // the following three functions are the mouse handlers for panning around the image function handleMouseUp(e) { this.beingDragged = false; if (this.mode == 'pan') { // save these so we don't need to compute it later var img = this.image; lastLeft = parseInt(img.style.left); lastTop = parseInt(img.style.top); if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') { img.style.cursor = '-moz-grab'; } } else { var mag = this.magnifier; mag.shadow.style.display = 'none'; mag.style.display = 'none'; } } function handleMouseDown(e){ e = e || event; var img = this.image; // pan mode if (this.mode == 'pan') { if (img.canPan) { this.beingDragged = true; lastLeft = parseInt(img.style.left); lastTop = parseInt(img.style.top); lastX = e.clientX; lastY = e.clientY; } // Mozilla offers a nice grabbing hand, let's do it... if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') { img.style.cursor = '-moz-grabbing'; } } // magnify mode else { this.beingDragged = true; var mag = this.magnifier; mag.startX = e.clientX; mag.startY = e.clientY; // the starting position of the magnifier... this places our cursor // right in the middle of the magnifier mag.xPosition = mag.startX; mag.yPosition = mag.startY - this.offsetTop; var shadow = mag.shadow; var shadowSize = mag.size + 2 * shadowPadding; //// MSIE 5.x/6.x must be treated specially in order to make them use the PNG alpha channel var shadowImageSrc = cmstngpath + 'img/img_shadow.png'; if (shadow.runtimeStyle) shadow.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + shadowImageSrc + "', sizingMethod='scale')"; else shadow.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + shadowImageSrc + ')'; shadow.style.width = shadowSize + 'px'; shadow.style.height = shadowSize + 'px'; shadow.style.display = 'block'; // msie counts the border as being part of the width if (mag.runtimeStyle) mag.size += 2; mag.style.width = mag.size + 'px'; mag.style.height = mag.size + 'px'; mag.style.display = 'block'; mag.position(); } return false; } function handleMouseMove(e){ e = e || event; if (this.beingDragged) { if (this.mode == 'pan') { var img = this.image; var tags = this.tags; if (img.canPan) { // compute top and left coordinates var top = lastTop + (e.clientY - lastY); if (top > 0) { top = 0; } var left = lastLeft + (e.clientX - lastX); if (left > 0) { left = 0; } if (img.panH == true) if (img.width + left < img.bodyw) { left = img.bodyw - img.width; } if (img.panV == true) if (img.height + top < img.bodyh) { top = img.bodyh - img.height; } //document.getElementById('debug').innerHTML = 'DEBUG: ('+top+')('+img.width+')('+img.height+')('+img.bodyw+')('+img.bodyh+')('+this.offsetTop+')'; // pan the image if (img.panV) { img.style.top = top + 'px'; if(tags) tags.style.top = (top + 38) + 'px'; } if (img.panH) { img.style.left = left + 'px'; if(tags) tags.style.left = left + 'px'; } } } else { var magnifier = this.magnifier; magnifier.xPosition += e.clientX - magnifier.startX; magnifier.yPosition += e.clientY - magnifier.startY; magnifier.startX = e.clientX; magnifier.startY = e.clientY; magnifier.position(); } } return false; }